Parents » Home School Compact

Home School Compact

Parent-Student-Teacher-Principal Compact
Edwards Elementary 2024-2025

School Mission: The mission of Edwards Elementary School is to prepare 
students to become responsible individuals by creating a positive school 
environment where dedicated staff, parents, and community members work 
together to provide opportunities for success and creativity through 
academics and the arts.

As a Teacher, I,_________________________________will 
• Believe that each student can learn 
• Show respect for each child and his/her family 
• Come to class prepared 
• Provide an environment conducive to learning 
• Help each child grow to his/her full potential 
• Provide meaningful and appropriate homework activities 
• Enforce school and classroom rules fairly and consistently 
• Maintain open lines of communication with student and his/her family 
• Seek ways to involve parents in the school program 
• Demonstrate professional behavior and a positive attitude 
• Be available for conferences to interpret and discuss test scores with 
• Frequently provide reports to parents concerning their child’s progress

As a Student, I, ____________________________________ will 
• Always try to do my best in my work and in my behavior 
• Work cooperatively with my classmates 
• Show respect for myself, my school, and other people 
• Obey the school and the bus rules 
• Take pride in my school 
• Come to school prepared with my homework and my supplies 
• Believe that I can and will learn 

As a Parent/Guardian, I, _______________________________will
• See that my child attends school regularly and on time 
• Provide a home environment that encourages my child to learn 
• Insist that all homework assignments are completed 
• Communicate regularly with my child's teachers 
• Support the school in developing positive behaviors 
• Talk with my child about his/her school activities every day 
• Encourage my child to read at home and to monitor his/her TV viewing 
• Volunteer time at my child's school 
• Show respect and support for my child, the teacher, and the school 

As a Principal, I, _____________________________________ will 
• Provide an environment that allows for positive communications between the teacher, 
parent, and student 
• Encourage teachers to regularly provide homework assignments that will reinforce 
classroom instruction 
• Provide opportunities for Parent/Guardian to be involved in their child’s classroom 
by volunteering, participating, and/or observing in classroom activities.
• Provide reasonable access to faculty and staff for conferences to discuss progress or 

Hand in hand we will work together to carry out the agreement 
on this compact.